
Arrowroot Powder 

Arrowroot powder is derived from the root of the arrowroot plant (Maranta arundinacea), which is native to the tropical regions of South America. The powder is commonly used as a thickener in cooking and baking, and it is also used in various skincare and cosmetic products. Arrowroot powder is also known by the following names: Arrowroot starch, Arrowroot flour, Obedience plant, Araruta Maranta starch, Bermuda arrowroot. Arrowroot powder is a fine, white, odourless powder that is gluten-free and hypoallergenic, making it a popular alternative to corn starch and other thickeners for those with gluten sensitivities or allergies. It is also low in calories and has a neutral taste, which makes it a versatile ingredient in cooking and baking.  As per Ayurveda, the Arrowroot plant was and remains a renowned treatment to heal wounds and an antidote to toxins. Arrowroot powder is also renowned for its ability to absorb excessive oil or sebum production in the skin and also for clarifying the skin’s complexion.  This vegetable is mostly employed in the kitchen, Arrowroot is a plant. People use the root and rhizome (underground stem) of arrowroot as a source of starch. It is used in foods, such as cookies. It is also used as an ingredient in cooking. However, arrowroot is often replaced with cheaper starches, including potato, corn, wheat, or rice starch. 

Cheat Sheet

Type Ingredients:

Arrowroot powder is a fine, white, odourless powder that is gluten-free and hypoallergenic, making it a popular alternative to corn-starch and other thickeners for those with gluten sensitivities or allergies. It is soothing. 


Gluten-free alternative, promotes healthy bowel movements, reduce fever and inflammation, cooling effect on the body and helps lower body temperature.


Various skincare and cosmetic products for its soothing and absorbent properties, thicken soups, sauces, gravies and baking cookies, and it is also a popular alternative to corn-starch for thickening fruit pies and other desserts, remedy for digestive issues such as diarrhoea, constipation, and upset stomach, natural hair conditioner to help detangle and soften the hair; treatment to heal wounds and an antidote to toxins. 

Contra Indications:

 it is important to use arrowroot powder in moderation and to consult with a healthcare professional before using it for medicinal purposes; may experience allergic reactions such as skin irritation, hives, or difficulty breathing; arrowroot powder may interfere with the absorption of certain medications, such as antibiotics or heart medications. Natural 

Natural Deodorant

  1. 3 Tablespoons baking soda (May decrease to 2 tablespoons and increase arrowroot powder by 1 tablespoon) 
  2. 5 tablespoons arrowroot powder  
  3. 6 tablespoons shea butter 
  4. 30 – 60 drops essential oils (optional: tea tree, frankincense, lavender and patchouli). 
  1. In a deep bowl mix baking soda and arrowroot powder 
  1. Using a fork work in the shea butte until crumbly. Add in essential oil (if using). 
  1. Whip the deodorant together using a hand mixer. It will seem too dry at first, but it will come together eventually.  
  1. Transfer your homemade deodorant to a clean glass jar. 
Scoop a peanut sized amount of deodorant and rub into your armpit. A little goes a long way!

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